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The Best Way to Perform Dhanteras and Laxmi Puja at Home According to Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra services

Dhanteras as we all are aware of is the perfect time to invest in new properties. On the other hand, Laxmi Puja is held as a means to pay our offerings to Goddess Laxmi (The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity). Experts from the Vastu Shastra services claim that Dhanteras is the most auspicious time to take a loan or buy a new property. Any kind of purchase on this holy day is believed to bring about prosperity in the life of the buyer.

The Dhanteras puja is usually performed during the evening time, with prasad and fresh flowers. Apart from this, multiple types of pulses and wheat are also offered for the pujas. The small footprints epitomizing the arrival of Goddess Laxmi are created at the entrance of the home using vermillion. Finally, the aarti is performed by the priest.

Some Important Vastu Tips for Festivals

The Positioning of the Idols

Ensure to position the idol of Lord Ganesh on the left of Goddess Laxmi, and Goddess Saraswati to the right side. Also, make sure that the idols are all in a seated posture.

Spraying Salt Water to Soak up Negativity

Consider spraying saltwater in every nook and corners of the house, as according to the Vastu Shastra services expert, it quickly purifies the ambiance after absorbing negativity.

Lighting Guggal Incense Sticks

Light up the guggal incense sticks during the time of Diwali. It is always known to incorporate a sanctimonious vibe throughout the house.

Avoid Wearing Dark Outfits

Resist the urge of wearing black or any other dark-coloured outfit for Laxmi Puja, considering how inauspicious it is.

Prefer Offering Rice Kheer Over Laddu As Prasad

Rice Kheer is the perfect prasad for Laxmi Puja, owing to its auspiciousness.

Offer Lotus Flower to Goddess Laxmi

Offering lotus to the Goddess post completion of the puja can prove to be lucky for the house.

Vastu Shastra Tips and Guidelines for Decorating the House for Festivals

Door Decoration Tips

The main door of your house is referred to as the Simha Dwara and is believed to resemble the face of Vastu Purush. Henceforth, take care of decking the door nicely, keeping in mind the aesthetics. And also make sure the door lacks all types of obstruction.

Diya Decoration

Consider lighting up diyas at the main door of your house besides the temple. Practice safety when lighting the diyas up and consider glass-covered diyas for precaution purposes.

Home Decoration Tips

Take up easy Rangoli tutorials from the internet and try decorating the house with minimalistic rangoli motifs like Om, Swastika, and Lotus to embrace the arrival of Goddess Laxmi.

Entrance Decoration

You can choose to hang torans at the entrance part to limit the entry of all the bad forces and negative energy and to welcome prosperity and good luck.

Temple Decoration

The temple as per the Vastu Shastra services providers must be dressed up in fresh flowers like roses, more, and marigold. You can write Shubh Labh on an art paper with the help of Kum Kum and position it near the idol of Goddess Laxmi.

Before proceeding on with the festival preparation, remember during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic it would always be safe to stay at home and sanitize your hands continuously. As per the new guidelines issued by the Government, people are requested to wear their mask all the time, during the festivals to put in their contribution as a responsible citizen to curb the spread of the deadly virus.

Any kind of celebration is restricted in the containment zones, and will only be allowed in the non-containment zones. All the people have been suggested to observe the festivals from their houses. This guideline has been issued with the ulterior motive to restrict crowds and to stop the further spread of the deadly virus. Follow the issued guidelines carefully, and enjoy the festival days ahead with sheer happiness!

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