Vaastu Shashtra is an ancient science which helps in maintaining the right energy balances and improving the positivity of the place. Every place is filled with different kinds of energies which impact and influence the lives of people living there. That is why Vaastu of any place influences the owner of the place as well as tenant living in that place. A Vaastu-friendly place has an equally positive impact on owner and tenant whereas a place which is not in compliance with Vaastu rules can have adverse effects on both. However, home-owners can contact a Vaastu Shastra Consultant who can suggest modifications can to improve the Vaastu- friendliness of the place and owner can implement the same but in case of tenant that home is a temporary stay and a tenant doesn’t have right to modify much in the place. So when the Vaastu is going to effect a tenant’s life but he can’t go for major modifications to make that place Vaastu-friendly the only option left is to know the tips that can
Checklist to finalize a Vaastu-friendly home for rent
- Check that the home you are going to take on rent has no or a positive history. If someone was already living there, check how happy and prosper they have been during their stay in that house.
- Never rent a home which has history of suicide, accident or any other criminal activity. Negative energies in such places are way more active and they can have a negative impact on people living there.
- Check the nearby area of home you intend to rent and if it is adjacent to graveyards or mobile towers don’t ever take that on rent. Such places aren’t good as per Vaastu Shashtra.
- The entrance door of the house you are renting should face North West. This has a positive impact on the people living there and they remain healthy and prosperous during their stay in that house.
- The bedroom of the house you wish to take on rent should be at south-west. Bedroom in this direction considers ideal as it brings good health and prosperity for the people living there. And if you have a separate room for kids it should be either in the east or north-west direction.
- The kitchen of your rented house should be in Southeast direction of the house, this will be auspicious for you and your family.
- The house you wish to rent should have toilets in the northwest direction and bathroom in the eastern part of the property.
Must do Vaastu remedies before entering the rented home
- Get the home Painted again, even if the previous paint isn’t old you should get the home freshly paint before your griha-pravesh in that place.
- Check cupboards, shelves, kitchen wood work and if you see any need of repair, get it done before entering the house.
- Check all the taps and pipes to fix leakage or any other issues.
- Even if you rent a home, a Havan is a must before you start living there. It neutralizes the negative energies and set the inflow of good energies.
- Ensure that your rented place has a dedicated room/corner for pooja. Decorate this place well and keep it clean and organized.
- Ensure that every corner or the house has proper lighting arrangement , not even a corner should be in dark.
Vaastu Compliant home is important for good health, wealth, happiness and longevity of owner as well as tenants. Since tenants consider this as a temporary stay and they feel restricted to make any major changes, it is better that they check the home’s Vaastu-friendliness before finalizing the deal. Although, it is a rented house, try keeping it clean, organized and decorated because only in such places good energies flow at their best and bring good health, money, success and happiness for the people living there. Moreover, make sure that you do things discussed above before entering the house, so that your stay in your rented home is full of happiness and peace.