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Know The Top 6 Roles of A Real Estate Agent

real estate agent

With the continuous pace of growth in the real estate sector, the role of the real estate agent has become more important. Earlier, the realtors were considered as an intermediate between the buyers and sellers but now, there’s a change in the scenario. Now, the realtors aren’t restrained to just “an intermediary”. They are facilitating property buyers and sellers for a variety of tasks involved in property buying and selling. Almost every property dealer in India plays various roles like a realtor, agent, negotiator and many more. Here, we have compiled a short list of the top 6 roles that a real estate agent plays. Take a look:

Advisor For Selecting The Best Property
A real estate agent provides a property seeker with all the data related to different properties to help them select the ideal one. It consists of the information like the overall statistics of the property. Such data is collected by the real estate agent by contriving the strategies like the market history of the area, regional condition, essential amenities & facilities, and the demand for property etc. The real estate agent provides all the important information to the client related to the property.

An Efficient Negotiator
A real estate agent serves as a negotiator. It is his/her duty to get the best sale price while assisting a property seller. On the other hand, he is responsible to negotiate and get the lowest quote when his/her client is a property buyer. Throughout the process, it is the duty of the negotiator to ensure that the deals are fair and the interests’ of the clients are protected.

A Property Manager
A real estate agent also plays the role of the property manager. He manages the property on a day-to-day basis on the behalf of the landlord by coordinating with the potential buyers/tenants. He performs various duties like finding/evicting tenants, setting & collecting rent, property maintenance, and paying taxes.

Marketer For The Property
The real estate agents use various digital, as well as traditional methods, to promote or market a property. They post the listing and the desired price of the property on all online real estate portals. This helps in reaching the buyers on a wider scale. He/she conducts an open house for your property on your behalf and meets the potential buyers. Therefore, it saves your time and energy.

Guide For Selling & Buying The Property
The real estate agents are expert professionals and know how to sell a property. Coordinating the showing of the property can be a hassle. By having a real estate agent alongside, it will be easier for a property seller to sell the property. Moreover, the guidance of the real estate agent helps the sellers that aren’t aware of the property selling procedures.

A property seeker has different requirements while he looks out for a property. To find the suitable property, it becomes necessary to consult a real estate agent. The realtors have knowledge of the domain and they help the buyers to buy the right property. Not only this, the real estate agents do the final inspection of the property and deal with the seller for the required renovation that should be done before handing the property.

Property Documentation Expert
Real estate agents prepare all the paperwork on the behalf of the client. It comprises all the necessary documents that are required for buying/selling the property. The papers of the loan, property registration, deed writing, power of attorney, and stamping etc. are prepared by them. The terminology used in the documentation is not easy to understand and thus, the real estate agent interprets all the conditions and other legal terms stipulated.

Signing Off…
So, what does a real estate agent do? A real estate agent plays various roles in a day. It is their responsibility to maintain a balance between their different roles of a marketer, the representative of the buyer and seller, a knowledgeable individual, and a guide. Consulting them prior making any move can prove to be fruitful in many ways.

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