Beechwal, Bikaner
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Beechwal, Bikaner
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Near to city in riico industrial area. Govt approved industrial area with all the infra facilities like roads electricity water etc. Roads on two sides. 1 km from grain market (anaaz mandi) and vegetable mandi, lakaar mandi etc. 2 km from lalgarh railway station. Conveince facility available nearby as engg college bkn is there. 24 hrs entry on heavy vehicles allowed i.e. there is no botheration of noentry. Best for someone looking approved warehouse near to city. This is nearest to city insustrial area.
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157.94 sq.m Unfurnished Ground Floor
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603.87 sq.m Unfurnished East Face
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278.71 sq.m Ground Floor
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4598.7 sq.m Ground Floor
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