Lower Parel, Mumbai
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Lower Parel, Mumbai
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Available for Restaurant S[ace For Rental Lower Parel All Multiband Restaurant Near by Vicinity One Lodha Place Indias finest office address is now ready. Designed by Pei Cobb Freed & Partners - the minds behind the worlds best-known icons, it exemplifies cutting-edge design. It occupies the pride of place at Mumbais most prestigious office address: Lower Parel. Being the chosen address of the societys elite, corporate giants and international luxury brands, it keeps you always connected. It is designed for a greener future, conscious of the environment. Pre-certified as LEED-Platinum and as the largest office building powered entirely by renewable energy in India, One Lodha Place doesnt just meet the standards for green design it surpasses them. With complete commercial FSI, luxury retail, unique F&B experiences, thoughtful amenities and services, One Lodha Place towers above the rest of the commercial properties in Mumbai. With limited offices available, it offers strong appreciation potential, high rental yield and makes for the perfect investment for the future of your growing business.
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