Baramunda, Bhubaneswar
Places nearby
Baramunda, Bhubaneswar
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1 Km
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4.3 Km
5.5 Km
6.7 Km
Very close to transportation such as 1.5 km from Bus Stand, 5 km from Railway Station, very close to major schools, 1.5 km from Stewart School, 0.5 km from Boys High School, Close access to shopping center such as only 2 km from Priyadarshini Market Square, upscale restaurants nearby (1.5 km) like Cafe Coffee Day, Dominoes Pizza, only 1 km from Vivekananda Hospital, very close to major colleges like Rajdhani College, Newton College of Science and Technology, College of Basic science and Humanities, amenities like banks, petrol stations,restaurants, grocery stores nearby, extremely ideal location for your next property.
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