Naya Gaon, Patna
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Naya Gaon, Patna
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1. Projected & Planning area 425 Bigha*.
2. Project start from January 2014.
3. Possession start from December 2018*.
4. Phase-I Booked. (Residential Plot)
5. Phase-II Open. (Residential Plot)
6. One of the biggest project in Bihar.
7. Project on highway (NH-19).
8. Walking distance from naya gaon railway station.
9. Property details
a) Front: High-rise Tower*, Mall, Office complex (Commercial)
b) Middle: Construction cum residential zone (Duplex*, Bungalow*, Row-House*, Apartment*)
c) Back: Residential Plot (1200, 1800, 2400, 8400 Sqft)
Development Details (The Sai Greens, Naya Gaon): A Project of TCW Realty Pvt. Ltd
1. PAPER DEVELOPMENT (Paper Work in projected area)
a) First Party company (Land banking done by company)
b) Nature Change (registry in developing)
c) Second party investor
2. CAMPUS GROUND DEVELOPMENT (In 425 Bigha Projected Area)
a) Main Entry Gate
b) Second Entry Gate
c) Boundary*
d) Land Filling 4 Feet approx*.
e) Road (90 ft, 60 ft, 30 ft)
g) Drain 4ft/4ft both sides
h) Electric- (Pole, wire, Transformer)
i) Water- (Bore well, Pipeline)
j) Playground,
k) Park
l) Sai Temple
Rate:- Rs. 755 / 799 / 855 / 899 per Sqft (Including all development charges)
Plot Type:-
1200 Sqft (30x40)
1800 Sqft (40x45),
2400 Sqft (40x60),
8400 Sqft (75x112)
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
Call for Price
167.23 sq.m Unfurnished North East Face
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