Besa, Nagpur
Places nearby
Besa, Nagpur
1.3 Km
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1.7 Km
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0.6 Km
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9.2 Km
14.5 Km
From a vibrant metropolitan hub - such as a variety of homes, offices, shops, a school, a hospital and temple and sports complexes - is all within walking distance of your home. And its all combined with approximately 150 acres of open space and greenery with parks, orchards and water features.
Unlike other cities and towns, which have evolved in a haphazard and unplanned way, Ensaara has been master-planned and designed at every conceivable level, and the metropark is the result of our collaboration with leading international and Indian partners and affiliates, such as master-planners HOK, Mumbai-based architects Kadri Consultants, landscape architects Cracknell and infrastructure consultants Feedback infra. They all share our dedication to quality and perfection. Each of these has been selected because they are the best in their field and bring years of award-winning experience to the project.
from a vibrant metropolitan hub - such as a variety of homes, offices, shops, a school, a hospital and temple and sports complexes - is all within walking distance of your home. And its all combined with approximately 150 acres of open space and greenery with parks, orchards and water features.
Unlike other cities and towns, which have evolved in a haphazard and unplanned way, Ensaara has been master-planned and designed at every conceivable level, and the metropark is the result of our collaboration with leading international and Indian partners and affiliates, such as master-planners HOK, Mumbai-based architects Kadri Consultants, landscape architects Cracknell and infrastructure consultants Feedback infra. They all share our dedication to quality and perfection. Each of these has been selected because they are the best in their field and bring years of award-winning experience to the project.
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