Purba Medinipur, Medinipur
Places nearby
Purba Medinipur, Medinipur
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The rehabilitation colony plot is the symbol of utmost uniqueness in each and everyway. Unlike the other plots, it is recorded in unique government offices as well as its paperwork will make you realize it's legal advancement. If you buy this property, you will never ever have to fight any legal case for generations to come. Besides, the front space will avail you at least 3 cars for parking and municipality's services along with the encasing atmosphere is enough to weigh it's price almost daily.
Key features: The place was allotted by government of west Bengal through HDA( Haldia development authority) as i was a land looser and affected by urban development authority for industrialization.
The place is about to first hand transfer.
Electricity and water supply already installed
Nearby services:
1. Poura path Bhawan high school by Haldia Municipality. (2 minutes by walk.)
2. Hit ( Haldia institute of technology ) 2 minutes by walk.
3. Municipality's conference hall ( 1.5 minutes by walk).
4. Khushudiram Nagar market ( 1 minute by walk)
5. Ambuja Neotia shopping mall ( 4 minutes by two wheeler).
6. Haldia law collage 2 minutes by two wheeler.
7. B.C Roy hospital ( 4 minutes by two wheeler)
8. Hatiberia / Haldia rail station ( 2 minutes by two wheeler)
9. Haldia city Centre ( 5 minutes by two wheeler.)
This place as unique as our astounding earth. The only place to settle and live peacefully for actual settlement.
If you delay, the escalating price will be unthinkable as it is now .
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83.61 sq.m
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