Phaphamau, Prayagraj
Places nearby
Phaphamau, Prayagraj
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900 Km
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4.9 Km
Shantipuram Lusanpur is on Sorav Road, in which customers are living by building houses, complete facilities of electricity, road and water are available. Situated at a distance of only 17 kilometers from the city, this project is only 5 kilometers from Lucknow Prayagraj Highway, 500 meters from Delhi Kolkata National Highway and 1.5 kilometers from Faizabad Ayodhya Highway. The specialty of this project is that it connects all the major cities. And also, starting from near Mohak Hospital Munfordganj in River Ganga, Lucknow Ayodhya ends ahead of Pratapgarh Malak Tirahe, which reduces the distance and time to reach the site. Whose rate is Rs 1775 to Rs 2425 square feet plot
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