Pendurty, Visakhapatnam
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Pendurty, Visakhapatnam
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LOCATION ADVANTAGES: 1.VERY CLOSE TO PROPOSED 6 LINES HIGHWAY 2. More than 10 Engg colleges, located with 4 km. 3.Close to IIAM. 4. Close to Gambhiram IT SEZ 5. 8 km from Anandpuram 6. 10km from Pendurthi 7. 14 km from simhachalam. 8. 14 km from Madhurawada IT SEZ. 9. 20 km from Airport. 10. 20km from Arilova Health city. 11. 28km from RTC Complex. 12. 29 km from Railway station. SILENT FEATURES: 1. All developments as per VUDA norms. 2. Pollution free Environment. 3. Clear title with Legality. 4. Open Drinage system. 5. Plantation with Tree gards. 6. Black top roads. 7. Park with children play area. 8. Electricity with street lights. 9. Entrance arch. 10. 100% vaastu
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139.63 sq.m 2 Bath Furnished
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