Mysore Road, Bangalore
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Mysore Road, Bangalore
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Oraiyan Rainbow City
2650/- per sqft
DC Conversion 'E' Khata
Mysore road, near Ramohalli, Doddaladha mara, Ganapathi halli
Oraiyan Rainbow City: Embrace the Essence of Luxury Living on Mysore Road, Bangalore Discover Urban Luxury at Oraiyan Rainbow City- Luxury villa plots in Mysore Road, BangaloreThe pursuit of an ideal home is a journey that intertwines dreams, aspirations, and the desire for a perfect living space. Oraiyan Rainbow City is a meticulously crafted residential enclave nestled along the dynamic Mysore Road. Oraiyan Rainbow City is where nature's palette meets urban convenience, a world of endless possibilities awaits. Imagine waking up to the gentle kiss of sunlight piercing through lush greenery, with the soothing sound of birdsong replacing the bustle of city life. Envision a home that is not merely a dwelling, but a sanctuary where you can unwind, rejuvenate, and celebrate life's precious moments. Oraiyan Rainbow City offers you this and more with its exquisite luxury villa plots in Mysore Road, Bangalore. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Residential Land / Plots | 1200 Sq.ft. (Land) |
31.80 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 1200 Sq.ft. (Land) |
32 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 1200 Sq.ft. (Land) |
33 Lac
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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