Kuvadva GIDC, Rajkot
Places nearby
Kuvadva GIDC, Rajkot
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13.4 Km
Proximity to New Rajkot International Airport:
Enjoy the convenience of being situated near the Rajkot Greenfield International Airport, making travel seamless and hassle-free.
Prime Location:
Just 1 km from Jivapar bus stop, Incredible Aerocity Prime - Maple Wood Park offers easy access to transportation networks, ensuring connectivity to major areas and attractions.
Strategic Location:
Incredible Aerocity Prime - Maple Wood Park is strategically located near Bamanbore GIDC and Windsor Villa, providing residents with access to employment opportunities and essential amenities...
Affordable Luxury:
Discover the perfect blend of affordability and luxury with budget-friendly plots at Incredible Aerocity Prime, allowing you to invest in your future without compromising on quality.
Modern Infrastructure:
Designed with modern infrastructure and urban planning principles, Incredible Aerocity Prime - Maple Wood Park ensures a well-connected and sustainable living environment. From well-lit roads to efficient drainage systems, every aspect of infrastructure is meticulously planned to enhance residents' qualityoflife.
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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83.61 sq.m
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