Kunnamkulam, Thrissur
Places nearby
Kunnamkulam, Thrissur
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A good residential area with quite view on the green field on the frontage. Total of land is 12 cents at a correct location by Nhamanghat - Vylathur road nearby Vadakakkad and Kunnamkulam Town at a distance of 6KM distance . If needed 12 cents then we provide that too . Negotiable at a good discount. Guruvayur Town distance of 6.5 KM Distance. House construction can be done evenly as per our clients wish as the owner is handling over the construction work of residential house and commercials in around the town.
Mixed with hindus , christians and muslim and well respected area. Do check the land virtual view by sending a whatsapp to whatsapp in +91 . We will respond in 2-3 hours.
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