Kashi, Varanasi
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Kashi, Varanasi
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7.3 Km
Varanasi Ramnagar to mugalsarai panchwati near plot main road s turant ghar bna k rahne yogy colony me residentail plot turant ragistry turant kbja dakhil kharij plot
KASHI vishwanath ji mandir -9 KM
Can't railway station -16 KM
Ramnagar 4.9 KM
NH2 highway-1.5 KM
Mugalsarai railway station-2.7 KM
Kamlapur medical college-0.1 miter
Road-20 feet
Depart-55 feet
Front-24 feet
Rate-15 lakh bissa
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92.9 sq.m Semi-Furnished 3 Yrs
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83.61 sq.m
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