Jewar, Gautam Buddha Nagar
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Jewar, Gautam Buddha Nagar
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*About Airport City...a world class project for selected people*
*Developed By* - Realprice Infracon Private Limited, Noida, Delhi, India.
*Project Name* - Airport City ( Phase I, ll, lll, lV, V )
*Location* - Jewar Airport & Film City
(Jhaajhar, Bulandshahr) UP, India
*Types of Plots* - Residential & Commercial
*Price* -
Residential (12000 / Gaj)
Commercial ( 14000 / Gaj )
*Educational Hub* (within 10 to 15 minutes )
*Industrial Hub* (within 5 to 10 minutes)
*High-rise Society* ( within 5 to 10 mintus)
*Noida International Airport, Jewar* (within 5 to 10 minutes)
*Sports City* (within 10 to 15 minutes)
*Film City* (within 5 to 10 minutes)
*School, College, Hospital* (within 5 to 10 mintus)
*Railway Station* ( within 5 to 10 minutes)
*Proposed Metro* ( within 5 to 10 minutes)
*Pari Chowk* (within 20 to 25 minutes)
*Noida* (within 40 to 45 minutes)
*Delhi* (within 50 to 55 minutes)
*Vrindavan* (within 45 to 50 minutes)
*Mathura* ( within 55 to 60 minutes)
*Agra* ( within 70 to 75 minutes)
*Thanks & Regards*,
*Royal Global Investors*, Delhi, India.
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