Gms Road, Dehradun
Places nearby
Gms Road, Dehradun
1.2 Km
1.6 Km
2.8 Km
3.4 Km
4.7 Km
1.5 Km
2.1 Km
2.6 Km
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1.3 Km
2.2 Km
3.6 Km
4.8 Km
800 Km
1.2 Km
1.6 Km
2.4 Km
400 Km
600 Km
1.1 Km
1.4 Km
2.2 Km
300 Km
700 Km
1.1 Km
1.7 Km
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3.5 Km
800 Km
2.1 Km
3.2 Km
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5.7 Km
1.9 Km
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3.1 Km
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4.8 Km
1.3 Km
2.2 Km
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700 Km
1.4 Km
3.2 Km
4.6 Km
5.1 Km
800 Km
0 Km
3.1 Km
4.2 Km
4.8 Km
5.4 Km
Shiwalik hills
Location- shimla bypass, 1km from dharmawala chowk
-River side plot with highway connectivity
-R3 approved
-90% Loan on Market Rate
* Entrance gate
* Entrance road-42feet
* Branch road- 30 feet
* Outer boundary
* Street light
* Water and electricity supply
* Park(kids playing area)
* street light
* Vivekanand hospital
* BDM school
* Doon institute of medical science
* Graphic era hospital
* central bank of India
ALL THESE FACILITIES @16,000 per square yard
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