Duhai, Ghaziabad
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Duhai, Ghaziabad
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BST Metro city is the top residential project in 8 Acress land At Rapid Metro Depot Bhikanpur Ghaziabad. It is the Most preferred project that could offer you the luxurious of life style with all contemporary amenities .The time you'll spend here will become the greatest moment of your life that will also help you to relieve, relax and Evoke a great sense of happiness . The society is well connected by different modes of transportation like Rapid Metro ,Eastern Peripheral Expressway , Duhai Railway Stations, Bus Stand, Prime Schools , Colleges, Petrol /CNG Pump etc. A Home is a cherished memory that lasts forever , it is where the walls embrace memories, the ceiling shelter love and laughter . so to make this journey joyfull, so we begin to give fines Home Near Rapid Metro Depot Bhikanpur, Ghaziabad.
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83.61 sq.m
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