Chirner, Navi Mumbai
Places nearby
Chirner, Navi Mumbai
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- Khopta Township is a upcoming residential and commercial hub in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region
- Spread across 2518 hectares, it offers a unique opportunity for investment and development
Plot Details
- Plot sizes: 1,089 sq. ft. to As per your requirement
- Price: 4 Lacs to 650000
- Location: Navi Mumbai International Airport, Khopta New Town, ( VINDHANE , JUI , PIRKONE , PEN , SARDE , PUNADE , VASHENI , CHIRLE , BELONDAKHAR )
- Possession: Immediate
- Institutional buildings for social and welfare purposes
- Mercantile buildings for business, office, shops, and markets
- Storage buildings for goods, wares, merchandise, and public garages
- Religious buildings
- Recreational spaces
- Convenience shops
- Drainage systems and water supply
- Roads and streets
- Sidewalks and traffic islands
- Public transportation
- Fire escapes and safety measures
Regulatory Approvals
- Approved by CIDCO (City and Industrial Development Corporation)
- Complies with Unified Development Control Promotion Regulations
- Sanctioned by the Government of Maharashtra
Development Status
- Development plan prepared for six villages
- Draft Development Plan approved by CIDCO Board of Directors
- Regional Plan sanctioned by the Government and in force from 20th June, 2021
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