Chatrapur, Ganjam
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Chatrapur, Ganjam
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Discovr th possibilitis at Dram Acrs, whr w turn your aspirations into reality with a prim offring: a 900 Sq.ft. (15ftwide 60ft Length)Rsidntial Plot for Sal in Chamakhandi, Ganjam, doubling your potntial with an xpansiv 900 Sq.ft. canvas of possibilitis.
Situatd in th hart of Chatrapur, Ganjam, this rsidntial plot is stratgically placd to provid you with th prfct blnd of convninc and tranquility. Chatrapur is a burgoning town that offers a harmonious mix of urban amnitis and th srn charm of nature. Whthr you ar looking to build your dram hom or mak a sound invstmnt, this location ticks all th boxs.
A Blank Canvas for Your Dram Hom:
Imagin dsigning and building your idal hom on this spacious 900 Sq.ft. plot, with an option to xpand to a gnrous 900 Sq.ft. Crat a havn that rflcts your uniqu tast and lifstyl. Dram Acrs offers you th opportunity to customiz vry dtail, from th layout to th landscaping, nsuring that your hom is a tru rflction of your drams.
Invstmnt Potntial:
Invsting in ral stat is a provn way to scur your financial futur, and this Rsidntial Plot for Sal in Chatrapur is an xcllnt opportunity. As th town continues to grow and dvlop, th valu of this property is likly to apprciat, making it a wis invstmnt choic. Whthr you plan to build your dram hom now or latr, this plot promiss a substantial rturn on invstmnt.
Infrastructur and Amnitis:
Dram Acrs undrstands th importanc of a wll-connctd and wll-quippd community. Th rsidntial plot is in clos proximity to ssntial amnitis such as schools, hospitals, shopping cntrs, and rcrational facilitis. Th infrastructur dvlopmnt in Chatrapur is on th ris, furthr nhancing th ovrall valu and livability of th ara..
Why Choos Dram Acrs?
At Dram Acrs, w tak prid in offring prim ral stat opportunitis that catr to th divrs nds of our clints. Our commitmnt to transparncy, customr satisfaction, and quality sts us apart. Whn you choos Dram Acrs, you ar not just buying a plot; you ar invsting in a vision of a bttr, mor fulfilling life.
In conclusion, this 900 Sq.ft. Rsidntial Plot for Sal in Chatrapur, Ganjam, is a goldn opportunity to turn your drams into rality. With th potential to doubl your spac to 900 Sq.ft., th possibilitis ar ndlss..
Dream Acres is a new residential plotting project. Located at Near Berhampur, Chatrapur, Ganjam, Odisha 761045.
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Residential Land / Plots | 800 Sq.ft. (Land) |
5.20 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 900 Sq.ft. (Land) |
5.85 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 1800 Sq.ft. (Land) |
11.70 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 2700 Sq.ft. (Land) |
17.55 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 3600 Sq.ft. (Land) |
23.40 Lac
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167.23 sq.m Unfurnished 1 Yrs
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