Bhankrota, Jaipur
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Bhankrota, Jaipur
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Yugank Property Advisor has come up with a new Residential Property project Krishnam Residency in Jaipur. The Residential Plot size starts with 250 Sq. Yards and have many more sizes. Located in one of the best Location of Jaipur
Gokul Krishnam Residency is located at Hasampura Was Bhankrota and Bhankrota Kalan, Tehsil Sanganer, Jaipur. It has a whole bunch of green area with many elegant designs. Gokul Krishnam Residency provides a lush green area, loaded with modern facilities and an abundance of tranquillity with its excellent location. All the pleasures and incomparable efficiencies are at your fingertips, so you may enjoy a lifestyle that you've always wished for. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Residential Land / Plots | 150 Sq. Yards (Land) |
33 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 166 Sq. Yards (Land) |
36.52 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 200 Sq. Yards (Land) |
44 Lac
Residential Land / Plots | 250 Sq. Yards (Land) |
55 Lac
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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