Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore
Places nearby
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore
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Brigade Lake view
Schools and Education institutions, transport, sports facilities, security system, business hubs, shopping and retail, Major roads and highways.
Layout amenities
Electricity, drainage, sewage, street lights,24/security,full local cc tv and which is above 5 lakh ltrs of water supply, beautiful lake view
Price: [37,00,000]
Location: [Bannerghatta Road, Koppa gate, Bangalore]
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
44 Lac
111.48 sq.m Unfurnished
Contact Builder17.99 Lac
55.74 sq.m 2 Bath 2 Balcony Contact Builder
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