Bagalur Road, Hosur
Places nearby
Bagalur Road, Hosur
2.5 Km
2.7 Km
3.2 Km
3.8 Km
4.1 Km
2.9 Km
3.5 Km
3.6 Km
4.2 Km
4.8 Km
1.2 Km
2.6 Km
3.4 Km
3.9 Km
4.2 Km
1.8 Km
2.4 Km
2.9 Km
3.1 Km
4.3 Km
1.5 Km
2.3 Km
2.7 Km
3.6 Km
4.1 Km
1.3 Km
2.2 Km
2.8 Km
3.4 Km
4.7 Km
1.9 Km
2.2 Km
3.4 Km
3.9 Km
4.3 Km
2.7 Km
3.2 Km
3.6 Km
4.1 Km
4.9 Km
1.1 Km
1.9 Km
2.7 Km
3.8 Km
4.3 Km
1.3 Km
2.7 Km
2.9 Km
3.2 Km
4.1 Km
Gated Community
Hydro pneumatie system water supply
Sewage treatment plant
Underground drainage
Street lights
Paperback 40ft road
24hrs security
School college hospital
The luxe 3 BHK Plots in Falcon City have been developed to showcase the true meaning of elegance, excellence and luxury.
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Residential Land / Plots | 900 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
46 Lac
Penthouse | 850 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 1000 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
38 Lac
Penthouse | 900 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 850 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
35 Lac
Penthouse | 900 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 1000 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
45 Lac
Penthouse | 1200 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 1000 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
45 Lac
2.0 BHK+2T | 800 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 100 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
28 Lac
2.0 BHK Independent House +2T | 900 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 810 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
37.98 Lac
3.0 BHK+3T | 800 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 100 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
35 Lac
3.0 BHK Independent House +3T | 1250 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 900 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
46.25 Lac
3.0 BHK Independent House +3T | 1250 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 900 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
46.12 Lac
3.0 BHK Independent House +3T | 1475 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 1000 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
54 Lac
3.0 BHK Independent House +3T | 1750 Sq.ft. (Built Up) | 1000 Sq.ft. (Carpet) |
65 Lac
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