Andal, Durgapur
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Andal, Durgapur
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A residencial Township project with plots and houses. With amanities like 35 feet wide road, Shopping complex, Club house resort, Play School, Merlin park, Temple, Joggers park, meditation Centre and commercial.
About 99 Sentosa Greens Durgapur99 Sentosa Greens Durgapur is a residencial township consisting of modern design duplexes with all the modern aminities immersed in tite aura Durgapur. You can witness the feeling & enjoy all the modern aminities like Park, Temple, etc. The location lets you exeperience the sunset behind the mountain present in the southwest direction of the township. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Independent House | 2100 Sq.ft. (Super) |
58 Lac
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