Air Force Area, Gorakhpur
Places nearby
Air Force Area, Gorakhpur
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Gorakhpur Deoria Bypass is 1 km away from Lucknow Fourlane. Invest in residential plot at only 451/sqft launching rate... Pay easy installments of 24 months...
Road 30 ft / 25 ft, Electricity pole....
Offer for limited period...
Take possession (boundary) by paying 40%,
Get registry of possession by paying 60%,
Nearby amenities...
1. Lucknow Fourlane 1 km.
2. Karjahan G.D. Goyanka School 2 km.
3. Suba Bazar 3 km.
4. M.M.M. College 4.5 km.
5. Gorakhpur AIIMS. 6 km.
6. Gorakhpur Airport 7 km.
7. Gorakhpur Railway Station 15km
8. Jagdishpur Mada Paar 2 km.
9. New Expressway 1.5 km.
10. Sainik School 2 km.
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