Agra Road, Aligarh
Places nearby
Agra Road, Aligarh
1.2 Km
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1.2 Km
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4.9 Km
5 Km
1. 12 Acres Gated Society with 6 ft. boundary
2. 40 Ft. RCC Road
3. Street Light/Sewage/Electricity/Water Supply
4. 24 x 7 Security with CCTV Camera
5. 3 Park with Temple
6. Near Jawahar Navodaya VIdyalaya & Hospital
Noida International Airport
10 Minutes
% Film City
15 Minutes
* Proposed Metro (Jewar)
10 Minutes
* International Cricket Stadium
20 Minutes
% F1 Buddha International Circuit 20 Minutes
* Mathura
45 Minutes
* IGI Airport
90 Minutes
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