Surajpole, Udaipur
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Surajpole, Udaipur
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20.9 Km
1. It is at prime business location in Udaipur Rajasthan. It is best suitable for residential purpose, corporate office, hotel, restaurant, shops, showrooms etc.
2. It is a North-East corner property.
3. It is a 3 floor independent house for sale.
4. It is 50 feet inside from main bapu bazar road in the Udaipur.
5. There are 4 Shops, 1 Tubewell, 1 Bathroom, 1 store on the ground floor.
6. There are 3 Rooms, 1 Kitchen, 1 Bathroom on the first floor.
7. There are 3 Rooms, 1 Kitchen, 1 Bathroom on the second floor.
8. It has a terrace. There are 2 store rooms, 2 water tanks on the terrace.
Other features are:
One of the best locations in Udaipur.
Udaipur Bus Stand: less than 1km
Udaipur Railway Station: less than 1km
Udaipur Airport: less than 25km
Maharana Bhupal Govt Hospital: less than 1km
Gulabh Bagh Garden: less than 1km
Dudh Talai: less than 1km
Town Hall: less than 0.5km
Post Office: less than 0.5km
Schools: less than 1km
Banks & ATM: less than 0.5km
Shastri Circle: less than 1km
Fateh Sagar Lake: less than 3km
Surajpole Police Station: less than 0.5km
Mohanlal Sukhadia University: less than 5km
Taj Lake Palace: less than 2km
The Oberoi Udaivilas Udaipur: less than 3km
Shopping Malls: less than 1km
City Palace: less than 2km
Jagdish Mandir: less than 2km
Bagore Ki Haveli Museum: less than 2km
Ashoka Cineplex: less than 0.5km
Picture Palace Cinema: less than 0.5km
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613.16 sq.m 3 Bath Ground Floor
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89.19 sq.m 2 Bath Ground Floor
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139.35 sq.m 3 Bath Semi-Furnished
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864 sq.m Furnished 7 Balcony Contact Agent
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148.64 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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218.32 sq.m 3 Bath Semi-Furnished
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418.06 sq.m 7 Bath Unfurnished
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