Ring Road, Ranchi
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Ring Road, Ranchi
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9.6 Km
A new township is coming up on ring road chuttu near B.I.T Mesra chowk its a 14 acre projects with 200 plots with modern amenities 30ft & 25ft wide p.c.c internal road, 12ft outer boundary wall, children park, shopping complex, temple, drainage, street light, security, maintaining staff, power back up, just 1km to B.I.T chowk, 2km Apollo hospital, 9 km to city, 13km railway station, 2km schoola new township is coming up on ring road chuttu near B.I.T Mesra chowk its a 14 acre projects with 200 plots with modern amenities 30ft & 25ft wide p.c.c internal road, 12ft outer boundary wall, children park, shopping complex, temple, drainage, street light, security, maintaining staff, power back up, just 1km to B.I.T chowk, 2km Apollo hospital, 9 km to city, 13km railway station, 2km school
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186.83 sq.m 4 Bath Semi-Furnished
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186.83 sq.m 4 Bath Semi-Furnished
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