Madhavaram, Chennai
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Madhavaram, Chennai
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The flat has a built-up area of 866 sq. ft. with complete wood work. The undivided share of land is 518 sq.ft and car parking of 153 sq.ft. It's a 2 BHK flat. The main door faces the South and the kitchen & one of the bedrooms faces the East. Both the kitchen as well as one of the bedrooms have balconies. There are two washrooms and one the balconies has been converted into a Puja room. The drawing room has french doors with a balcony. It's a corner plot having wide roads on the East and North of the building. All balconies have been provided with awning (canopy) which gives the flat a very special look as well as cover during rains. An Invertor is also provided which supports all lights, fans in the flat as well as two televisions and a mixer.
Other Charges:
Monthly maintenance charges and registration charges.
Additional construction work done:
One the balconies has been converted into a Puja room. All balconies have been provided with awning (canopy).
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111.48 sq.m 2 Bath 1 Balcony Contact Builder
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74.32 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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