Kasauli, Solan
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Kasauli, Solan
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1 BHK flat available for sell at Elementa Project, Kasauli.
Pay 10% nothing till possession
Elementa is inspired by the four elements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water – that are believed to be the essence of life. Elementa brings residents closer to nature and lets them live life in a more complete way.Our new project will take residents away from the chaos and stress of everyday life to a peaceful quiet environment. It is here that people will get time to introspect and understand the meaning of life. Hence we chose a name that brings out the meaning of life. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
1.0 BHK Studio Apartments Studio Apartments | 630 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
55.44 Lac
1.0 BHK | 880 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
77.44 Lac
2.0 BHK | 1335 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
99.88 Lac
2.0 BHK | 1385 Sq.ft. (Built Up) |
88.90 Lac
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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