Govardhan, Mathura
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Govardhan, Mathura
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Tulsi Residency, a thoughtfully designed and totally self contained township, presents a harmonious living where every element of life from spiritual to worldly amenities blends seemingly into a perfect whole. It's truly an abode that you can call home more than any other place in this country and will give you the right blend of residential bliss and spiritual enlightenment. Tulsi Residency is filled with features and facilities that will enrich the lives of everyone who lives within this township and forms an organized, self contained and happy world, all in itself.
Goverdhan, spiritually known as Sri Giriraji Ji,a famous place of Hindu pilgrimage, is situated 26km west of Mathura on the state highway to Deeg. Goverdhan is located on a narrow sandstone hill known as Shri Giriraj ji which isabout 8 km in length. The young Lord Krishna is said to have held Shri Giriraj ji up on the tip of a finger for 7 days and nights to shield the people of Braj from the deluge of rain sent. As a dedicated real estate developer Dynamic aims to extend this tradition by taking its core business a step further into Goverdhan by integrating worldly and heavenly ingredients to enhance the quality of life for its residents at Tulsi Residency.
Today we take inspiration from lord krishana and Radha. Tulsi Residency offers fully furnished Studio apartments to buid a heavenly abode to your specifications amidst parikramas, temples, lots of open space and sunlight. You will discover you have more time for your family and yourself when you live at Tulsi Residency because the places you once had to commute to - temples, meditation hall, stores, parks, jogging track are all within your own safe, beautiful campus. Not only can you get more out of life, you can do so more often, and much more comfortably. This is a world that you have always dreamt of: a beautiful and divine township. Carefully planned and strategically located.
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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137.22 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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104.52 sq.m 2 Bath Unfurnished
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138.15 sq.m 2 Bath Semi-Furnished
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79.43 sq.m 2 Bath Ground Floor
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