Tagore Nagar, Hoshiarpur
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Tagore Nagar, Hoshiarpur
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The Hoshiarpur Institute for IELTS/SPOKEN/IMMIGARATION project is completely furnished and ready to go. It has a 1200 sf super built-up space and a 1150 sf carpet area. A welcome area, three classrooms, a spoken classroom, a lunch room, an office with an outside view, two washrooms, and a kitchen are all part of the structure. The project contains 3 air conditioning units, 2 LCDs, a computer system, CCTV surveillance, a large sign board, a 10 kw three-phase connection and much more.
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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37.16 sq.m 1 Bath Unfurnished
Contact Agent86 Lac
69.68 sq.m 1 Bath Basement Floor
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