Chikka Tirupathi, Bangalore
Places nearby
Chikka Tirupathi, Bangalore
1.5 Km
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4.9 Km
1 Km
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2.9 Km
3.6 Km
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4.9 Km
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1.9 Km
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4.9 Km
1.1 Km
2.9 Km
3.2 Km
4.3 Km
4.6 Km
Total area ;2 acre, 75,000/- sq.ft production area (include mezzanine)
250 KVA power
All around 5MTR wide Road,
8' ht. compound ,
Suitable for : Wearhouse, Educational Institute, garmentfactory, other Industries
Location:Hosur to Malur NH4 & NHS 7 connection Highway, opposite to Artha Properties , Near by Chirst college of science and management , .Survey No: 233, Alampadi Village, Lakkur Hobli ,Malur Taluk. Kolar District.
From Sarjapur- 16 km, From white field- 16km, From Hosur- 18 km , From Malur-16km, From Chikkathirupathi-1 km
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