Naimisharanya, Sitapur
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Naimisharanya, Sitapur
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RAV GLOBAL SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. has come up with a new Commercial Property project The River Castle in Sitapur. The Hotel & Restaurant size starts with 0 Sq.ft. and have many more sizes. Located in one of the best Location of Sitapur
Naimisharanya is located about 90 kms from Lucknow on Sitapur Road.
The River Castle is not just another high-end real estate project nor a luxury resorts and wellness center. This is combination of three super trending and growing industry.These are the first independent cottages on entering The River Castle. Chalet Arambh will have 112 cottages spread over 17 acres. ...More
Unit Type | Area | Price (in ) |
Hotel & Restaurant | 2661 Sq.ft. (Super) |
2.46 Cr.
Hotel & Restaurant | 806 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.19 Cr.
Hotel & Restaurant | 1122 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.21 Cr.
Hotel & Restaurant | 2742 Sq.ft. (Super) |
2.62 Cr.
Hotel & Restaurant | 2742 Sq.ft. (Super) |
2.57 Cr.
Hotel & Restaurant | 944 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.20 Cr.
Hotel & Restaurant | 1143 Sq.ft. (Super) |
1.22 Cr.
Hotel & Restaurant | 2993 Sq.ft. (Super) |
2.89 Cr.
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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2787.09 sq.m Semi-Furnished 3 Floor
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2917.15 sq.m 10 Floor 5 Balcony Contact Agent
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