Ankleshwar Gidc, Ankleshwar
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Ankleshwar Gidc, Ankleshwar
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Running Factory for Sale at Ankleshwar GIDC. Manufacture of Phosphate Rich Organic Manure (PROM). Factory deals in Organic /Bio-fertilizer. List of Product are below :
List of Fertilizer Products:
- Soil Application Fertilizer (Primary Nutrients)
-Agriphos Brand Mixture of NPK
-Agriphose Brand Phoshpate Rich Organic manure(PROM) -Organic Fertilizer
-Agriphos Brand CMSP soil appllication Granules
-Agriphos Brand Zyme Organic Extract
-Micronutrient Fertilizer ( Agrican Brand Mix Micronutrient)
-Plant Growth Promoter( Humic Acid formulations, Seaweed Extract Formulations, Fulvic Acid Formulations)
*list of Pesticide Products:
-cartap Hydrocholide
Company has all 60 Licence.
Rate: 19 Crores
Shreeya Real estate and Land Bankers is a company that offers commercial ,Industrial ,Agricultural , Residential real estate services to individuals and businesses. Some of our real estate services include leasing, property , buying , selling , NA of land. We are Landbanker with more than 500+ Lands for Sale across Gujarat . We have lands to cater your minimum to maximum requirement of land ranging from 1 Vigha to 10,000 Acre .. for more info reach out to Shailesh Rajput
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55 Cr.
16187.42 sq.m Furnished Ground Floor
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