Midc, Pune
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Midc, Pune
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Pune has emerged as the 7th largest industrial hub in India with fastest growing economy in the country. The city has 6th highest per capita income in 2012. It is one of Indias leading hubs for services, manufacturing, financial, IT and education sectors. Some of the underlying factors of Pune being preferred Industrial sector are:
Proximity to Mumbai and relatively lower costs for Industrial set up.
Availability of Manpower.
Developed Industrial Infrastructure.
Developed transportation Facility.
Favourable climate.
Pune is a base of 15 MIDC Clusters and over 40 Cooperative Industrial Estates that support manufacturing companies across auto, pharma & chemical, food processing and consumer durables sectors.
All the information displayed is as posted by the User and displayed on the website for informational purposes only. RealEstateIndia makes no representations and warranties Read More
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929.03 sq.m Unfurnished Ground Floor
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650.32 sq.m 2 Bath Basement Floor
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