Adgaon, Nashik
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Adgaon, Nashik
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If you are in search of a shop for sale near the popular City Center in Nashik, then this property in Bajrang Nagar is a perfect match for you.
Spanning across an area of 680 square feet, this shop is situated on a wide road, offering excellent visibility and accessibility to potential customers.
One of the most enticing features of this property is its high rental yield, which makes it an ideal investment opportunity.
The desperate sale price of lakh makes it an attractive deal for anyone looking to establish or expand their business in a prime location.
Built by a reputed builder, this shop is a part of a commercial complex that offers several amenities.
Attached market and a restaurant within the complex ensure convenience for both the shop owners and customers.
Additionally, amenities like electricity backup, waste disposal, and tiles flooring are provided, making it a hassle-free space to operate your business.
The shop is currently unfurnished, giving you the flexibility to customize the interior as per your business requirements.
Furthermore, the presence of a washroom and one dedicated parking space adds to the convenience of potential buyers.
Dont miss out on this opportunity to secure a commercial space in a sought-after location near City Center in Nashik.
Whether you are looking to start a new venture or looking for an investment with high rental returns, this shop ticks all the boxes.
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24154.78 sq.m 4 Bath 6 Floor
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46.45 sq.m 3 Bath Ground Floor
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