Melmaruvathur, Chennai
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Melmaruvathur, Chennai
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Total area 3500sqft. Build up area [ 1100+1100 sqft two floors] First floor 1100sgft residential house 2BHK,.3 phase Eb services. Ground floor 1100sqft commercial building + 2400sqft open space with compound and big well. NH 45 Chennai to Trichy national highway touch corner plot with three side roads. opposite acharapakkam mazhai malai madha temple and near atcheswarar temple. opposite to acharapakkam Govt school.
landmarks nearby:
melmaruvathur (within 4km)- temple, hospital, railway station, matriculation school, CBSE school.
acharapakkam - weekly market, atcheswarar temple, Guru Datta temple
theatre(0.5km), supermarkets(1.5km), bazaar street(0.5km),ganesh bhavan hotel-nearby
brokers are welcome
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37.16 sq.m 1 Bath Unfurnished
Contact Agent86 Lac
69.68 sq.m 1 Bath Basement Floor
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