Madhavaram, Chennai
Places nearby
Madhavaram, Chennai
1.8 Km
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4.3 Km
4.6 Km
1.2 Km
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4.4 Km
1 Km
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0 Km
1.4 Km
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1.8 Km
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4.9 Km
5 Km
0.5 Km
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2.9 Km
3.3 Km
0.8 Km
1.7 Km
2.6 Km
3.2 Km
3.9 Km
1.8 Km
2.3 Km
3.1 Km
3.6 Km
4.2 Km
This property is on Milk colony to Manjambakkam main road very near to Agarson college and opposite to Metro Railway starting point in Madhavaram. Suitable for residential and also commercial Patta land can be arrange for direct meeting with the property owner
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