Dholera, Ahmedabad
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Dholera, Ahmedabad
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I am Local from Dholera and I want to sell my own Land/plot in Dholera SIR. This land is located in Linear Development Line. Linear line is a new Announced project in Dholera After Activation area. The Activation area Infrastructure works almost done and now Government planing to Develop new area and The New area is Now Linear Development project which is in Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway project. The
Tenders have been awarded to some private companies and works is started on Groud level for Infrastructure of this Linear Development project. So don't miss the opportunity because this projects deadline 2023. Infrastructure ready by 2023. So hurry up and Invest in Right place in this Right time....My land is in Linear area and Existing Road touch and just 1.5km from 250 meter wide central spine road. This land is in 48 and 25 meter wide road corner plot. Here is some plus point to buy this property....
1. Land/Plot is in Linear Development project
2. 48 and 25 meter wide corner plot
3. High Access Corridor (multipurpose zone)
4. Existing road touch
5. 1.5 km from Main Corridor
6. Juni sharat land( No premium when conver to Non Agricultural)
7. Demarcation completed in my land by Government...
8. Plot dimensions is too good. Square plot.
9. Selling this plot with very reasonable rate because I am local and owner of this land.
10. All Title cleared papers with title certificate and search history...
So call me for more details and information on : Seven.Five.Six.Seven.Two. Four.Four.Three.Zero.Six
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