Bhilai Charoda, Durg
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Bhilai Charoda, Durg
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Prakashp1, Behind Shriram City Apartment ,padum Nagar Bhilai-3 ,cg ,pin 490021, Padum Nagar, Chattisgarh Others, Chattisgarh it is offer for rent
This property is located in padum nagar bhilai-3 just behind sri ram city apartment in prime location .It has motorable road leading to property .We have 7725 sqare feet plot measuring 75x103 feet ,it is 6 feet height barricated concrete wall with two tall gate of big gate16 inch width and small gate 4 inch wide.
It has borwell water supply and electricity in the plot
We are offering it for rent for commerical purpose godown, nursery,car garage or for additional parking space etc .This can be mutually discussed togther.
For inquiry please contact whatsapp prakash
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