The Layout focuses on the increasing need to dynamically connect people to information at primary, secondary & tertiary levels.
Each Grid unit has been carefully planned with anthropometrics , string disgrams & 24x7 Requirements like fresh air , Building systems & Stress-free working.
The Ithum as the name suggests, its just not office space but a revolutionary building concept that will redefine working ambience & relationship between workplace & knowledge worker
The whole complex has a plate area in multiples of 20,000 Sq ft. upto maximum size of 41,000 Sq Ft. per plate per plate.
Each plate has been divided in workstations to have proper delineation activity pattern & activity concentration as per latest work schedule string diagrams
The lobes are in modular grids to have central bays for open plan offices and side bays for executive chambers & Communication entablature with conferencing at its best.
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