It is located 3 to 3.5 km away from Dabhoi.
When you go from dabhoi to tilakwada road in between there is road from where you can go to vadhwana lake and while going vadhwana lake there is a village called kukad (has dhalnagar vasahat)
Also, there is an ITI govt college which has recently build before 2 years.
From Dahoi to ITI college (1.5 km) and from ITI college to Kukad(dhalnagar vasahat, where the land is located)(1.5 km) and from kukad tovadhwana lake(5 km)(so vadhwana lake is 8 km far from dabhoi).
Yes you will have pakka charcoal(damar) road till land. Even car or bike can go inside easily on land.
It's 4 vigha(little bit less in 4 bigha) and is very good location for farming or to build a farm house.
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