Vijayapuram, Thiruvarur
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Vijayapuram, Thiruvarur
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It is a residential-cum-agriculture property situated at the heart of Thiruvarur Town, adjacent to Thiruvarur Medical Centre, 200 meters from Kamalalayam Tank and 700 meters from Thiyagaraja Temple. The residential area has seperate survey no and is around 10000 s.ft. ((31' x 303') with 31 ft road opening at the front); The land portion has separate survey no and is around 89000 s.ft. (709' x 125.5'); No cultivation at the land for the last 25 years. This property is our ancestral one, jointly held by family members and I am one of the stakeholder. Ideal for residential layouts. Willing to dispose on outright purchase basis preferably "as is where is basis" and the prospective buyer to look after its development. Primary school is just 250 meters; Boys' Higher Secondary School is just 400 meters; Girls Higher Secondary School is just 750 meters; Govt Arts College is just 5 Kms; Railway Station and Bus stand is just 2 kms; Collector Office & Medical College is just 2.5 kms. Surrounding areas already developed fully. Underground drainage system and Municipal tap water system available in the nearby localities. Present guideline value for this property is Rs.1156/- per s.ft. and is classified as Commercial. Rate quoted is negotiable subject to payment terms.
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4046.85 sq.m
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4046.85 sq.m Unfurnished
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