Selakui, Dehradun
Places nearby
Selakui, Dehradun
1.8 Km
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0.9 Km
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4.2 Km
0.3 Km
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1 Km
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1.1 Km
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4.8 Km
24 Km
33 Km
So here is one more property added to our list recently and I would love to tell you about it , It's near Sahara factory , selakui ( dehradun ) 260 bigh land Rs 22 lakh per bigha on 40 ft road
I myself went to saw this property for 3-4 times and made a detailed study on this property and asked myself what is this land good for - I came up with these
1. Right now it's an agricultural land , these is ganna all around , if you want to continue you Can keep on cultivating other crops season over season and can generate a recurring revenue
2. A big manufacturing unit can be built upon it , there is very high power extension there as you know it's on the industrial area ,so water , irrigation, power all the facilities are going to be available easily
3. The most finest thing and the most profitable one - PLOTTING - Easily convertible into R3 land and you can do plotting there.
These are some of the options that I think will be best suitable for you , rest I'll tell you
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