Rajgir, Nalanda
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Rajgir, Nalanda
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Rajgir being the tourist spot of Bihar and in recent past the various initiative taken by the Govt. of Bihar has changed the destiny of city Rajgir. The Rajgir is home of World famous Nalanda University where students of 43 countries study in multiple faculties. The Stadium adjacent to Nalanda Univeristy is another attraction which sky rockets the price of real estate around it. My property is located at the chhabilapur ITS A 18 DISMIL PROPERTY ON alang directly connected to 200 FT ROAD. my property is located at 200 mtr from the main road and 4 km from the international stadium. The property is most suitable for school college and iti college . If you are investing money in terms of land then this is the diamond opportunity for you to give a call to me and change your destiny. Expected boom is twice in a year.
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2322.58 sq.m Ground Floor
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