Pithora, Mahasamund
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Pithora, Mahasamund
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Book quickly 16 acres of land in front of the main highway, near Bijenpur village, a short distance from Sankara Market, Sankara block will be built here soon at the rate of Rs 30 lakh/acre, then the land price will start touching the sky, some time before the highway project is passed. 20 It was priced at Rs 1 lakh, now it is Rs 25, so you can buy it now. If you also need some land in the village to build a house, then that too is separate, directly on the road, although it is separate. Contact, message for the number. Hello.
A few kms from Sankara, in Bijepur village, in front of the highway, you can buy land for just Rs 25 lakh/acres, a block will be built here in a few years, the price of land will skyrocket, buy now, keep sending a message, thanks to the number.
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2322.58 sq.m Ground Floor
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