Pannaikadu, Dindigul
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Pannaikadu, Dindigul
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My land is primarily located on sundakadu streets, near mayan kalli amman kovil.
The total land is 2.82 acres patta and 1 acre can be used.
Good water source + full year cultivation crops in our land.
Proper solar fencing installed, shed room with washroom for in charge person and also storage room.
Room size: 10*10 ft => 100 ft
Water tank - 2000 ltr * 2 nos
1 motor is installed near the water source connected to sintex tank
Pipe connection for full land coverage is installed
Other crop cultivation supplies and tools are available
Our main crop cultivations
1) beans cultivation on going
2) chow chow on going
3) hill banana (800-1000 nos) fully grown
4) passion fruit (20 nos) fully grown
5) avocado tree (20 nos) + 80 nos saplings
6) coffee can be cultivated
7) lemon, avarai, beans varieties and many more can be cultivated in our land.
Brokers, please don't call - Only for serious buyers.!!!
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2322.58 sq.m Ground Floor
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