*Red Sandalwood* Investment, Calculation of Revenue Estimation.
We estimate 100 cents of land by 1 acer,
In 1 acer, we offer 400 plants in 10 10 ratio,
Each plant weighs 500kgs after 10 years,
but we are only accounting for 50%, or 250kgs,
The *AP government* has announced the value of tonnes of red sandalwood,
A grade is 52 lakhs
B grade 38 lakhs
C grade 21 lakhs
Let us consider the value of C grade after 10 years.
Each plant weighing 250 kg is 5 lakhs.
100 cents
400 plants 5 lakhs= 20crores
But we are only taking 50% of this value, which is 10 crores.
This customer has 60% of the share, which is 6crores,
and the companys share is 4crore.
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