Kangeyam, Tirupur
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Kangeyam, Tirupur
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Address: Veeracholapuram, Kangayam,
Tirupur, Tamil Nadu
The property is in veeracholapuram, kangayam city, tirupur dt. It is a 28 acres property with 12 acres of coconut plantation (Around 1000 trees), 4 bores, 1 well, and 1 private pond with 20hp free service. This is a prime location surrounded by lots of industries and agricultural businesses with great water resources.
This property is ideal for a farmhouse and for the building industry. The surrounding nature is very beautiful and calm, this could be a great place for someone to escape from the city and spend their weekend on. The land value is rising year to year. So it could be a very good investment for anyone who is looking to buy land and enjoy value gain in the future. The door is open now, I don't know how long it'll be open. We are getting lots of inquiries. Interested persons and legit buyers can contact me (owner)
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2322.58 sq.m Ground Floor
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